Sunday, October 27, 2013

Glee Season 5 Episode 3 "The Quarterback"

Glee members from the past and present gather together to say goodbye to Finn Hudson, in tribute to Cory Monteith.

Glee season 5 episode 3, "The Quarterback", aired this past Thursday, October 10 on Global BC. In this episode, past and present members of the Glee club came together to said goodbye to Finn Hudson. The episode takes place three weeks after Finn's funeral (short scene), when Will invites the Glee club to offer their personal memorials in honour Finn through song.

Many members of the Glee club paid tribute to Finn Hudson:
  1. Finn's funeral: Old and new members of the Glee club performed "Seasons of Love" at the funeral.
  2. Mercedes: She performed "I'll Stand By You", the song Finn previously sung when he believed he was going to become a father.
  3. Finn's locker: With principle Sue's permission, Finn's locker's turned into a memorial and a tree is planted in his honour. Later, the tree is stolen, and Bree and a group of Cheerios make a failed attempt, under Sue's orders, to take down the memorial.
  4. Finn's belongings/Finn's parents: Kurt helps Finn's parents sort Finn's belongings. Kurt keeps Finn's letterman jacket and gives Burt Finn's lamp and football.  Carole soon in grief breaks down and the family comes together to comfort each other.
  5. Sam and Artie: They lead the Glee club in a performance of "Fire and Rain". Santana leaves early to visit Finn's memorial.
  6. Santana: She sang the song "If I Die Young", only to break down and leaves midway through the song. Santana is found by Kurt in the auditorium. She tells Kurt that she regrets not being nicer to Finn, but Kurt reassures her that Finn cared deeply for her and saw the good in her. Kurt then gives Santana Finn's jacket When Finn's jacket eventually goes missing, Santana puts reward posters for Finn’s jacket – offering a $10,000 reward, in hopes it will be returned. In the end, Santana eventually tells Will that she doubts she will return to Lima. 
  7. Principal Sue: After arguing about ordering to take down Finn's memorial with Santana, Sue confesses to Santana that she is heartbroken that Finn died thinking that she hated him. Turns out, Sue actually respected Finn and looked forward to working with him as a colleague.
  8. Puck and Coach Bieste: After showing up drunk in the locker room, Puck confesses to Coach Bieste that he feels lost without the guidance of Finn and that he's scared he might not stop crying if he started. Coach Bieste responds by telling Puck that he'll have to trust Finn's memory and his own instincts will be enough to guide him forward. Puck then suggests that Finn’s football number be retired  and trying to get his letterman jacket off Kurt so it can be framed and hung, along as he puts Finn's tree back. He then later performs "No Surrender" in the choir room, which he denies Santana's accusation of stealing Finn's jacket after the performance. In the end, Puck replants Finn's tree, telling Coach Bieste that hell be joining the Air Force to honour Finn's memory and keep him on the right path. After wishing him luck and telling him to drive safely, Coach Bieste smiles as she discovers the word "Quarterback" carved into the tree by Puck.
  9. Rachel: As the Glee club placed drumsticks in Finn's memorial, Rachel finally returns. She then performs "Make You Feel My Love". She later lets out some of her grief by telling Will her life plan with Finn, mentioning that Finn already knew it even though she didn't tell him. Rachel then hands Will her own memorial of Finn – a photograph plaque she had made with a picture of Finn a quote from him that reads: "The show must go...all over the place...or something", which Will hangs up in the choir room.
  10. Will: Throughout the episode, Will's wife and school guidance counsellor Emma mentions that he has been putting aside his feelings to provide emotional support for the others. In the end, Will takes Finn's jacket out of his bag, solving Santana's missing jacket problem, and allows himself to finally cry. Emma comes home to find Will crying and comforts him as he grieves.
In conclusion, all members of the Glee club, including principal Sue, offered their personal memorials to Finn and talked about their memories of him. The one thing that still remains is whether or not Finn's jacket gets framed and what ends up happening to it.

The next episode of Glee, "A Katy or a Gaga", is set to air on November 7. Adam Lambert makes his debut guest starring as Elliott "Starchild" Gilbert in the upcoming episode.

C. Louie

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