Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Most Influential Celebrities of 2014

Forbes recently released its list of the most influential celebrities of 2014. This list was based on data from E-Poll Market Research, ranking more than 6,600 celebrities on 46 personality traits based on their polling data of Americans. Both likeability and awareness metrics were factored in to break ties.

Surprisingly, most of the celebrities that made this list were directors.Steven Spielberg tops this years list with an Influential Rating of 47%, beating Oprah Winfrey, who dropped from an Influential Rating of 49% last year to 45% this year. Spielberg's success with Lincoln (winning 2/12 Oscar nominations and earning $275 million at the box office) and his amazing storytelling abilities helped make him the most influential celebrity in America.

George Lucas ends up third this year. Due to the production of Star Wars 7 and plans for 8 and 9, Lucas is still in the spotlight because of all the media and fanboy attention going to the world he created. Star Wars 7 is slated to hit theatres in 2015.

For this years top 10, visit:

For an in depth guide to the top 5, visit:


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